Select availability: Show foundational courses only:
{{course.subject}} {{}} {{course.title}} {{ctrl.availabilityText(course.available)}} OMSCentral OMSCentral
Color codes:
Foundational course Regular course Not available yet (as of Fall 2016) Discountinued/not offered (as of Fall 2016)
Select availability: Show foundational courses only:
{{}} {{course.title}} {{ctrl.getCourseType(, "Computational Perception and Robotics")}} {{ctrl.getCourseType(, "Computing Systems")}} {{ctrl.getCourseType(, "Interactive Intelligence")}} {{ctrl.getCourseType(, "Machine Learning")}}
Color codes:
Foundational course Regular course Not available yet (as of Fall 2016) Core course in specialization (column) Elective course in specialization (column) Discountinued/not offered (as of Fall 2016)

Sorry if the green table borders look weird in some cases, it is a known bug in Chrome for years now, they don't seem to want to fix it.

{{spec.title}} Core courses
Pick at least: {{spec.core.minCourses}}
Pick at least: {{spec.core.groups[0].minCourses}}
{{}} - {{a.title}}
Pick at least: {{group.minCourses}}
{{}} - {{b.title}}
{{}} - {{c.title}}
Pick at least: {{spec.electives.minCourses}}
Pick at least: {{spec.electives.groups[0].minCourses}}
{{}} - {{d.title}}
Pick at least: {{group.minCourses}}
{{}} - {{e.title}}
{{}} - {{f.title}}
Color codes:
Foundational course Regular course Not available yet (as of Fall 2016) Discountinued/not offered (as of Fall 2016)


This a simple webpage/webapp to display the courses offered by Georgia Tech's OMSCS program.

The webpage is written in TypeScript and using the AngularJS library. The source code is available on GitHub. I am not a web developer, take that into account when looking at the code. Feel free to ontact me with ideas/suggestions or error reports. Pull requests are also welcome.


They are pretty straightforward.

The data

Fun facts

The author

My name is Oszkar Jozsa. I started the OMSCS program Fall 2015. I am from Hungary and currently live in Tokyo, Japan. You can contact me at jozsa [dot] oszkar [dot] gmail or through the GitHub link above.